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Saskatchewan's Largest Chem-Free New Year's Eve Party for Teens

"Every year at Voltage, 500+ teens (13-19) from Moose Jaw and surrounding area ring in the new year without the influence of drugs or alcohol. Months of careful planning culminate in 10 hours of live entertainment, music, costumes, contests, competitions, prizes, food and more. The incredible energy and excitement of the Countdown to New Year Session inspires conversations for weeks afterwards. This memorable event is made possible through countless hours given by volunteers and generous donations made by our community!"


Tickets can be purchased at the church office during the Christmas season!


It's an action-packed night of adventure and fun for all involved with arcades, inflatables, art, drama, a spa and a mini movie theatre. Contests and competitions abound and successful competitors are rewarded with epic prizes. The fun continues with live entertainment on our Side Stage and hot food in the Midnight Café."


- Joe's Place Youth Center

© 2023 Hillcrest Church, Moose Jaw, Sk All Rights Reserved
100 Hillcrest Logo Long WHITE.png
1550 Main St. N, Moose Jaw, SK  S6J 1L3

(306) 692-5600  |

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sunday Service:
10:30am (In person & online)
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