1550 Main St. N Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1L3 | (306) 692-5600 | info@hillcrestmj.com

If you feel like you don’t really know how to read your bible or pray, we’d like to encourage you to participate with our Hearing God Seminar. This is usually a mid week seminar we run, but we are offering it on Sunday mornings in January 2023. In addition to the Sunday morning teaching series there will also be a practicum component on Sundays following the service. Be sure to prioritize those weeks, and sign up for the practicum.
LifeGroups are another significant component to learning to read the bible and pray. If you’re wanting to grow in this area, be sure to get connected to a group.
If you’re specifically wanting to grow in prayer, there are a variety of prayer groups at Hillcrest. Talk to our prayer pastor for more info.
If you are on your way with personal devotions, there are a variety of other spiritual disciplines that can help us in our walk with Jesus. Here's a few to consider. Bible study, prayer, fasting, confession, worship, fellowship, rest, celebration, service, generosity, and disciple-making.
These are the practices of Christians have been practicing throughout the ages. We encourage you to dive in and reap the rewards of these disciplines.
Be courageous and take your next step. Practice Spiritual Disciplines!

Draw closer to God by Bible Study

Other Reading
If you are on your way with personal devotions, there are a variety of other spiritual disciplines that can help us in our walk with Jesus.
Check out these resources:
"Celebration of Discipline"
by Richard J. Foster
"Sacred Chaos: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life You Have"
by Tricia McCary Rhodes
YouVersion Bible App
Tens of millions of people are using the Bible App™ to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Enjoy hundreds of versions, including audio, all on your mobile device.
We desire to be a church of unceasing personal and concerted prayer, where hearing and obeying God’s voice is normal for all believers
If I want to grow in your prayer life, how do I grow?
Ask Jesus for a plan.
He’s personal! He says, My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me. Take Him at His word and ask Him questions: Jesus, where should I read in the Bible? What do you want me to pray about today? Is there someone I can pray with?
Ask Jesus for growth. He’s the Vinedresser. John 15 talks about when we abide in Jesus we will bear much fruit and fruit that is lasting. That means some pruning is going to take place. A good prayer to pray is to ask Jesus, Is there something I need to ask or let go of in this season of my life? Is there anything that’s hindering my growth as a follower of Christ? What will help me grow in Christ?
Invite Jesus into your routines.
He’s always with us. Before Jesus ascended to Heaven He said, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 He’s with you with you get up, with you when you leave your house, with you in the street where you go for a walk. He’s with you in your day-to-day activities. Talk with Jesus about all of them. Have a running conversation with him. Open your heart to His conversation back to you. Invite Jesus in all day long. Watch for signs of Him at work in your life and the lives of those around you.
Ask Jesus for divine appointments.
He’s always there to empower us. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you daily. The Holy Spirit has been given to us to help us share about the hope that is within us. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you Christ’s love for people. Pray walk your neighborhoods. As you pray for your city, listen for divine guidance. Where? in the city, in the field, in the gym, in your neighborhood, and wherever you are. Be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit on you to speak, pray, and care for His kingdom to come.
Jesus has a plan for your growth.
Jesus wants to be in the center of your routines. Jesus wants to empower you with His Holy Spirit. All of this will grow you in your devotion to Christ AND cause the Kingdom of God to advance. Start talking to Jesus today about these things and take the NEXT STEP.
Hillcrest offers a variety of classes and materials to help you grow in your knowledge and ability to share your faith.
The Life Shared Series is a three-part series designed to encourage and equip everyone in the church to share their faith.
(Created by the makers of the Alpha program.)
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith.
Hearing God Classes
Does God still speak today? This is one of the most important questions a Christian can explore and has huge implications for every aspect of a person's life and walk with God.
Hearing God Seminars are a time we walk through and learn this together.
During our Jan 8 - Feb 5 services, we will all be learning together about the Hearing God classes. So join us then!
In addition to the Sunday morning teaching series there will also be a practicum component on Sundays following the service. Be sure to prioritize those weeks, and sign up for the practicum.