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UPDATE: November 2024

The roof had some major leaks caused by several factors: the deteriorating stucco, poor roof flashing transitions, and roof tenting.  The existing stucco on the upper walls was removed and replaced with an air barrier and metal cladding.  The height for the parapets on the upper walls was increased, with new scuppers and downspouts.  All the roof tenting was patched and made good.  All sidewalks were replaced and landscaping regraded.

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Capital Inf
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For other videos about the Capital Campaign, click the link below.

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Are there plans for a "family washroom"?

Yes, we would like to have a more private and neutral washroom space for families and those who may need more privacy  . Thankfully, the building committee and design team will help us decide what space to allocate for this.

 Will there be different "phases" of the renovations that the congregation will vote on separately?

No.  By asking for a single vote on May 29th, we are gauging & inviting church-wide "buy-in" for maintaining our building and advancing our ministry.  The board and staff carry the responsibility of ensuring that the building is maintained properly and set up for ministry, both now and into the future.  The four "categories" of repair and renovation have been recommended by the board and staff as being necessary and strategic.  A passing vote would allow us to start the process of raising funds for the projects.  The specific order of renovations is yet to be determined by our building committee, with the most necessary structural repairs being first.

Why is the projected timeline set at 3 years?

Most church Capital Campaigns are 3 years in length.  If shorter, people can only give what they already have.  If longer, the momentum fizzles out.  A 3-year timeline allows people to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments in order to give what they feel the Lord is leading them to give.

Will the design for the exterior or signage include a cross?

The design elements, like color, branding, materials, use of a cross, etc. have yet to be determined.  We would like to work with a design company to refine those details.


In  what order will the different projects be done?  Will the roof be done first?

Yes, the "envelope" of the building, foundation and roof issues, needs to be addressed before work on the interior is done. The specific order of renovations is yet to be determined by our building committee. We will give more information about the order as we get greater clarity.

Is $1.8 million going to be too big of a burden for our congregation?

We don't think so, and here's why:


2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  We are not looking for people to feel under compulsion to give, but to give what they decide, as the Lord directs them.  


Based on our history as a giving church, professional church fundraising advice, and on the current size and giving trends of our congregation, 2.5 times annual giving is a reasonable faith target (Ex. Twenty years ago, we raised what would now be $1 million for heating units and roof repair). Yes, it takes faith to make big plans, but if the Lord is leading us, He will provide.  


Lastly, we are committed to only doing the repairs & renovations as the funds come in.  We will not borrow money and go into debt, placing long-term burdens on the Hillcrest church family.  

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© 2023 Hillcrest Church, Moose Jaw, Sk All Rights Reserved
100 Hillcrest Logo Long WHITE.png
1550 Main St. N, Moose Jaw, SK  S6J 1L3

(306) 692-5600  |

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sunday Service:
10:30am (In person & online)
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